Blood flow downhill at ayumigaoka in YOKOHAMA-city Japan.

At around intersection Shin'ishikawa of Rute 246, it was called "blood flow slope", because this hill flowing through the hill. Then ,,, it was changed the name of the place name Ayumigaoka . Once I lived in the nearby, I tried to note because it might have gone in political pressure.

Intersection 246 Shin'ishikawa , there were many car accident. now became a three-dimensional intersection, and I wonder what about. If you come running from Kawasaki direction,it is a very tough hill, a car which drive over-speed do not stop .

Even so, I remember suddenly into something of opportunity, and wonder what a. This is the opportunity is Himeji Castle. Even if there is execution ground in Himeji Castle, Ayumi has become a steep slope in the same way as the hills.

It is good even if it is because I believe Toka ghost, but'd better not afford the more sensitive in his hand.

Whatever the past, let's Ayumi a bright future, Ayumigaoka.
Because is the origin of the name.

横浜市都筑区の246号の交差点 新石川 の坂はかつての処刑所があり、首切りの血が、この坂を坂を流れたので血流れ坂と呼ばれた。その後、、、港北ニュータウンになり あゆみが丘 というかわい名前の地名に変わりました。ニトリとかトンカツ店とかが今はある所が処刑所だったみたい。かつてその近くに住んでいて、今、なぜか思い出したのでメモしてみた。北山田の横浜歴史記念館にそのあたりの資料があるとかないとか。かつてはあったけど、政治的な圧力でなくなっているかも、という意味です。封印したい過去。






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